mmtbx - macromolecular crystallography ====================================== The :py:mod:`mmtbx` module has two purposes: firstly, it introduces additional crystallographic algorithms that are traditionally specific to macromolecular structures, such as bulk-solvent correction, absolute scaling, maximum likelihood targets, non-crystallographic symmetry, weighted maps, and real-space refinement; and secondly, it provides many higher-level classes for querying and manipulating molecular structures and writing full-featured macromolecular crystallography applications. Most of the core functions of the program `phenix.refine `_ are part of mmtbx, and the module also includes the complete code for the programs ``phenix.xtriage``, ``phenix.maps``, ``phenix.ensemble_refinement``, ``phenix.model_vs_data``, and ``phenix.pdbtools``, plus the backend logic for the `MolProbity server `_. For new developers, the module :py:mod:`mmtbx.command_line` provides a simplified frontend for running routine setup tasks (such as bulk solvent correction or geometry restraints interpretation) and populating many of the standard data structures. (The source code also provides a suitable example should you wish to instantiate these objects yourself.) However, since the resulting objects tend to be especially complex, some knowledge of their internals and purpose is helpful. The most important modules in :py:mod:`mmtbx` can be summarized as follows: - :py:mod:`mmtbx.f_model`: encapsulates most functionality for calculating F(model) (i.e. F(calc)) and comparing it against experimental data. The calculation of weighted electron density maps usually starts from this point. - :py:mod:`mmtbx.monomer_library.pdb_interpretation`: processing of models (in PDB or mmCIF format) and interpretation with respect to a library of geometry restraints (provided as part of Phenix, but the CCP4 Monomer Library may also be used). - :py:mod:`mmtbx.scaling`: absolute scaling routines plus analyses of experimental data to assess quality and detect possible pathologies such as twinning. This module is slightly misnamed, since it is primarily used as the backend for ``Xtriage``. - :py:mod:`mmtbx.validation`: tools for assessing model quality, based either on geometric criteria or fit to data. Also see :py:mod:`mmtbx.rotamer`, the lower-level code for analyzing conformation. - :py:mod:`mmtbx.refinement`: routines for model optimization against either reciprocal space or real-space (i.e. electron density map) data. - :py:mod:`mmtbx.pdbtools`: a small library (as well as a standalone program) for various common model manipulations. Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: mmtbx.alignment mmtbx.building mmtbx.bulk_solvent mmtbx.cablam mmtbx.chemical_components mmtbx.command_line mmtbx.conformation_dependent_library mmtbx.den mmtbx.density_modification mmtbx.dynamics mmtbx.f_model mmtbx.f_model_info mmtbx.find_peaks mmtbx.geometry mmtbx.geometry_restraints mmtbx.grow_density mmtbx.hydrogens mmtbx.ias mmtbx.invariant_domain mmtbx.ions mmtbx.kinemage mmtbx.lattice mmtbx.map_tools mmtbx.maps mmtbx.masks mmtbx.max_lik mmtbx.model mmtbx.model_statistics mmtbx.model_vs_data mmtbx.monomer_library mmtbx.msa mmtbx.ncs mmtbx.pdbtools mmtbx.polygon mmtbx.real_space mmtbx.real_space_correlation mmtbx.refinement mmtbx.restraints mmtbx.rotamer mmtbx.rsr mmtbx.scaling mmtbx.secondary_structure mmtbx.solvent mmtbx.tls mmtbx.ligands mmtbx.torsion_restraints mmtbx.twinning mmtbx.utils mmtbx.validation mmtbx.wwpdb mmtbx.disorder Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: mmtbx.resolve_resources mmtbx.xmanip_tasks mmtbx.arrays mmtbx.pdb_distances mmtbx.pdb_symmetry mmtbx.superpose mmtbx.xmanip Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: mmtbx :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: