API documentation¶
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns.non_linear_ls_mixin¶
Either of
- class non_linear_ls_xxx(core_non_linear_ls_xxx,
class non_linear_ls_xxx(non_linear_ls_mixin):
# define required methods
This class is a mixin to be inherited as shown. It requires core_non_linear_ls_xxx to provide some methods in the first case, or those methods to be defined directly in the heir in the second case: those that this mixin marks as not-implemented.
- build_up(objective_only=False)¶
- normal_matrix_packed_u()¶
- objective()¶
- opposite_of_gradient()¶
- parameter_vector_norm()¶
- solve()¶
- solve_and_step_forward()¶
- step()¶
- step_equations()¶
- step_forward()¶
- scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns.non_linear_ls_with_separable_scale_factor¶
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns.non_linear_ls_with_separable_scale_factor_BLAS_2¶
- property debug_info¶
- property description¶
Tools to solve non-linear L.S. problems formulated with normal-equations.
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns_solving.iterations(non_linear_ls, **kwds)¶
Iterations to solve a non-linear L.S. minimisation problem.
It is assumed that the objective function is properly scaled to be between 0 and 1 (or approximately so), so that this class can meaningfully thresholds the norm of the gradients to watch for convergence.
The interface expected from the normal equations object passed to __init__ is that of lstbx.non_linear_normal_equations_mixin
Use classic stopping criteria: c.f. e.g. Methods for non-linear least-squares problems, K. Madsen, H.B. Nielsen, O. Tingleff,
The do_damping and do_scale_shifts function implements the shelxl damping as described here: do_scale_shifts aslo compares the maximum shift/esd with convergence_as_shift_over_esd and returns boolean to indicate if the refinement converged according to this criterion These functions do nothing unless called by a derived class
- do()¶
- do_damping(value)¶
- do_scale_shifts(limit_shift_over_su)¶
- gradient_threshold = None¶
- had_too_small_a_step()¶
- has_gradient_converged_to_zero()¶
- n_max_iterations = 100¶
- step_threshold = None¶
- track_all = False¶
- track_gradient = False¶
- track_step = False¶
- verbose_iterations = False¶
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns_solving.journaled_non_linear_ls(non_linear_ls, journal, track_gradient, track_step)¶
A decorator that keeps the history of the objective, gradient, step, etc of an underlying normal equations object. An instance of this class is a drop-in replacement of that underlying object, with the journaling just mentioned automatically happening behind the scene.
- build_up(objective_only=False)¶
- solve()¶
- solve_and_step_forward()¶
- step_forward()¶
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns_solving.levenberg_marquardt_iterations(non_linear_ls, **kwds)¶
- do()¶
- property mu¶
- tau = 0.001¶
- class scitbx.lstbx.normal_eqns_solving.levenberg_marquardt_iterations_encapsulated_eqns(non_linear_ls, **kwds)¶
- do()¶
- had_too_small_a_step()¶
- objective_decrease_threshold = None¶